AD | Applicable Document |
AMF | Atmospheric Motion Field |
AMV | Atmospheric Motion Vector |
APE | Automatic Product Extraction |
API | Application Programming Interface |
ATP | Acceptance Test Plan |
AVI | Audio Video Interleave; a widely used video file format |
BMP | Windows Bitmap; image format / file |
CB | Cumulonimbus (thunder cloud) |
CC | Convective (Cloud) Cell |
CDM | Cloud Development Map |
CMV | Cloud Motion Vector |
CMW | Cloud Motion Wind |
CNS | CineSat Nowcast Server |
CSI | CineSat Image File |
CSV | Comma-separated value; plain text table format / file |
ESA | European Space Agency |
EUMETCast | EUMETSAT’s DVB-T based data distribution platform |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
HDF5, H5 | Hierarchical Data Format Version 5 |
HMI | Human-Machine-Interface |
hPa | Hecto-Pascal (atmospheric pressure level) |
HPGL | Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language |
HRIT | High Rate Image Transmission (file format) |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IR | Infra-Red (image channel) |
KB | Kilobyte (1024 byte) |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LRIT | Low Rate Image Transmission (file format) |
LUT | Look-Up-Table |
MB | Megabyte (1024 x 1024 byte) |
Mbit | Megabit |
MPEF | Meteorological Product Extraction Facility; a processing unit hosted at EUMETSAT and producing meteorological products from satellite images |
MPEG | Motion Picture Expert Group; a widely used family of video file formats |
MTP | Meteosat Transition Program (= Meteosat 1st Generation) |
MTSAT | Multi-Functional Transport Satellite; a Japanese geostationary satellite |
MSG | Meteosat Second Generation |
MTG | Meteosat Third Generation |
NIR | Near Infra-Red (spectral band, image channel) |
NFS | Network File System |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction; model or data |
NTP | Network Time Protocol; used for synchronization of computers running real-time applications |
OPM | Operator Manual |
PBM | Portable Bit Map (single bit image format) |
PGM | Portable Gray Map (8-bit image format) |
PIF | Processed Image Format (proprietary format of VCS satellite receivers) |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
PPM | Portable Pixel Map (24-bit image format) |
PRJ | Projection; definition of a geographical map view |
RAS | Sun Raster File |
RCP | Remote Copy; protocol for copying files between Unix machines. Deprecated due to security and performance issues |
RD | Reference Document |
RHEL5 | RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 5 |
RMF | Relative Motion Field |
RMV | Relative Motion Vector |
SAF | Satellite Application Facility; a center of competence for specific meteorological applications of satellite data |
SAT | Satellite |
SAT | Site Acceptance Test |
SCP | Secure Copy; secure rotocol for copying files between Unix machines. |
SFTP | Secure File Transfer Protocol; a secure replacement for FTP |
SMF | System Motion Field |
SMV | System Motion Vector |
SPR | Software Problem Report |
SUM | Software User Manual |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphic; web-standard for vector graphics |
TIFF | Tagged Image File Format |
UDF | User Data Feed for CineSat |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinate (same as Greenwich or Zulu time) |
UTH | Upper Tropospheric Humidity (relative, given in %) |
VS | Visible (spectral band, image channel) |
WV | Water Vapor (spectral band, image channel) |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XPIF | Extended Processed Image Format (proprietary to VCS satellite receivers) |